Workshop: How Agile are You?

Time: 11.00 Location: Online Type: Webinar Language:

To be truly Agile, an organisation needs to operate in a very different way, with leadership, values and norms all reinforcing the culture.

The Agile Culture Pulse Survey is a tool developed by the Agile Business Consortium that is focused on helping individuals and teams assess the state of their organisation’s agile culture.

Business agility, whether for businesses or for professionals, is concerned with the adoption and evolution of values, behaviours and capabilities that enable you to be more adaptive, creative and resilient.

Together with Richard Campbell from the Agile Business Consortium we will dive into the topic of Cultural Agility. We will aim to answer the question: “How Agile are You?”, and give insights into the level of cultural agility in your organisation, highlighting areas in which you might excel and others that might require some attention.

When: Tuesday 25 June, 2024
Time: 11:00 –  13:00 CEST

What you can expect

This is not another “sit-in and listen” webinar. We will split-up in small groups and discuss the Agile Culture Pulse Survey. Then we will come back to the bigger teams and share our learnings.

What you will learn 

Most organisations fail in their agile progress because they have defined what direction to go but find it difficult to get there. Our objective is for you to learn which factors are blocking you from becoming more agile. And, if applicable, what is particular about your organisation.

You will take home some actionable items to improve the organisational culture in your organisation.

We cordially invite you to take the Agile Culture Pulse Survey before the event so that we can elaborate upon the results during our breakout sessions.

Subscribe now! We have a limit of 30 participants for this event.