Agile Frameworks; what works for you?
This is a past event, to watch the webinar recording please click here.
What does Agile mean to you? At which level do you apply Agility and what is the actual Agile maturity within your organization? These questions might seem easy, but they are more difficult than what they look like. This is because there are many different perspectives on Agile and lots of different frameworks. This can lead to confusion and stagnation of a change that could actually be very helpful for your organization.
We asked our AgilePM expert and trainer Kim Delgadillo to host a webinar about the different Agile Frameworks. He will answer whether and when it is worth it to adopt and apply an Agile work methodology. As an experienced consultant he has made the wrong decisions in the past and learned very much from it. He is able to tell you where and why to apply Agile techniques and what framework could fit your needs.
Where & When
- Date: 19 May 2020
- Time: 16.30
- Where: Virtual
- Language: English
- Expert: Kim Delgadillo, one of our expert AgilePM trainer and consultant. Experienced and still active in his respective field.
- Inscription: Free
- Registration: Register by filling in the form below
- If you miss the event: We will send you an email with the webinar-recording.
For any questions, feel free to contact us anytime!
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